Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's a New Day!

I am starting a challenge tomorrow, October 1st, as part of a refresher, and a time to cleanse my body.  I do not look at this as any kind of diet.  I look at this as a refreshing time for me to spend in all areas of my life, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I am back now from our best yet family vacation and have felt the past month or two nudged to do this, and so I am stepping out in faith.  It is only 30 days, and I feel my body will thank me for it.


So the month of October I will be in this journey.  I hope to share here how it is going and maybe some of you feel led to join me.  I am feeling this will also help me in eating for hunger only and not for other reasons. After this vacation I took I started to realize how little I actually take care of me, and so this is another reason to start this, to spend a little time and nurturing on me.

Be blessed today!

More later...
Kim :)