Thursday, January 3, 2013

My 2013 Goals


Personal goals
  • Hello Mornings continues.  Getting up when alarm goes off.  Exercise, Shower, Quiet time, Plan.  Leading my group through the Winter Challenge and excited to start next week! 1/16/13
  • I had planned to read Eden Diet, but I am making too much legalism in eating hunger/fullness so my goal is intuitive eating and taking care of myself.
  • Use this devotional each morning to start my quiet time and prayer. 1/12/13-loving this so far
  • Journal each morning things I am thankful for and praises. 1/12/13-not doing so well at this yet
  • Use my Journible and write out the scriptures and study them and learn from them and soak them up. 1/12/13-loving this a lot, and it really soaks in when I am writing out the Scriptures, then there is a place on the left of page to take notes and it asks a few questions as you are writing, i like!
  • Read lots of good books that I have on my Kindle already or that I have purchased, and I'm sure a few more that I know I will find along the way. 1/16/13-need to work on reading through one entire book at a time, feeling a bit scattered because all of the books are SO good!
    1. The Respect Dare
    2. Simple Living by Lorilee Lippincott
    3. 3-2-1 Stop by Lorilee Lippincott
    4. 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal-Money Saving Mom
    5. Tell Your Time (for the 2nd time reading) and work on time management plan
    6. Energy Explosion-A 7 Day Guide to Jumpstart Your Energy by Arabah Joy
    7. Complete by Arabah Joy
    8. Found:  God's Will by John MacArthur
    9. Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman
    10. Be  Authentic by Warren W. Wiersbe
    11. What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst
    12. Spirit Hunger (halfway through this already) by Gari Meachum
    13. Finish reading, Anything by Jennie Allen
    14. Finish reading, Get out of that Pit by Beth Moore
    15. Blessed Life by Robert Morris
    16. Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman
    17. The Money Saving Mom's Budget
    18. Blogger Behave
    19. From Frumps to Pumps by Sarah Mae
    20. Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
    21. Chasing Superwoman by Susan M. DiMikele (already halfway through this)
    22. ProBlogger
    23. Living Beyond Your Feelings by Joyce Meyer
    24. Have a New Husband by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman
    25. Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
    26. Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer
    27. Cleaning House (will write a review on this one when I am done! excited!)
    28. Desperate-by Sarah Mae
    29. Getting to No How to Break a Stubborn Habit by Erwin W. Lutzer
  • Exercise and get FIT.  My body is begging me to be in shape again and I am excited to get there.  Use the gym membership I am paying for.  Walk most days with or without kids.
  • Renew my mind by thinking and saying only positive things about myself-starting first thing each day.

Marriage goals
  • Keep my marriage my first earthly priority.
  • Read the marriage books in my reading list.
  • Date nights monthly or as often as possible.
  • Take care of myself so I can take care of my priorities (see my personal goals).

Parenting goals
  • Keep my children my second earthly priority.
  • Read parenting books on my reading list.
  • Spend time each day one on one.
  • Try reading aloud each night with them, excited to try this as I haven't been consistent with it.
  • Class/hobby/sport for our sugar bear that he wants to try.
  • Take care of myself so I can take care of my priorities (see personal goals).

Financial goals
  • Make budget for each month before the month starts and spend every penny before the month begins. (Dave Ramsey's Advice) 1/12/13-got Total Money Makeover workbook last week and am loving it!
  • Actually stick to what I wrote in the budget.  No stealing from other envelopes or manipulating.
  • Complete Emergency Fund (baby step 1).
  • Read Dave Ramsey's, Total Money Makeover all the way through.
  • Baby step 2.
  • Attempt to try to consistently use YNAB which I have had for a while.
Home Goals
  • Use my customized cleaning chart from iheartorganizing and make that the core of cleaning. 1/12/13-going great!
  • Declutter all areas of the house using 3-2-1 Stop (as I am inspired by minimalist Lorilee Lippincott's books)!
  • Plan meals each weekend for a week or two weeks out so dinner isn't a challenge in evenings.

Career goals
  • Let God guide where I am to be at work and continue working hard right where I am.  Be faithful in small things, so then I can be faithful in bigger things.
  • Continue learning about the resort business. 
  • Blog more consistently and read the blogger books I have on my list.  Continue learning about writing and social media.

Ministry/Friendships/Circle of Influence goals
  • Wherever I am be all there, continuous goal.
  • Prayer that God will help me be sensitive to who He puts in my path each day to help and to rely on Him to help others.
  • Continuous goal, be others focused.
  • Remember when I am going through the day that my ministry is to reconcile others to Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:18).
p.s.stay tuned...excited to also share a bucket list for 2013...this is gonna be fun!

More later...
Kim :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the book Hinds Feet in High Places. I hope you enjoy it. Excited to see your marriage as your first earthly priority - too many forget to do this. Lots of good goals and several I need to keep in mind in my own life.
