I am on day 3 of my 40 day adventure with the Lord. I asked Him several months ago if He would be my personal trainer and to help me return my body to its healthiest and most balanced state and to give me eating habits to support that for life. He is doing this one thing at a time. I want to share here and just join in with others I have read about sharing their true, authentic, real me stories of who they are and what God is doing through them, especially in the area of eating. All to the glory of God because I do not want any of my successes to be attributed to me in any way.
So I use a lot of computer time on facebook and have started realizing how much I just want to talk to people on there, but it is hard to really carry on conversations and I felt a burden to really just share my heart and jabber about what God is doing in my life. He put it on my heart to just start a blog. So thats what I did.
I am going to attempt to be myself, not hide thing, but be real, in hopes that something I say the Lord may use to glorify Himself and minister to others.
I have been going through the Bible study on http://www.eatingsdisorders.com/ It has been wonderful. I am starting week 3, but am going through it very slowly as I want to absorb it all and not rush through it. Also because I have a Bible study that is my main study I am doing with the womens ministry at church. It has helped me to see that I have to surrender, to say good-bye to the love of food as I can't serve two masters.
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. Matthew 6:24 *I know it says money but I think it could relate to more than just money, but anything we try to put before the Lord in our hearts.
So today I felt after reading a lot of blogs on intermittent fasting that I would try that during my 40 day journey with the Lord, wanting to break strongholds and draw closer to Him and LISTEN to Him and His will for my heart and life. It consists of fasting 19 hours and then eating until you are full during a 5-hour time frame through the day. I did it today only with the Lord's help. I am still not sure if this is what He wants me to do or if I jumped into it too quickly. I also feel eventually I will be where I eat only to feed my body and nourish it when I am physically hungry, but still enjoy what I eat when I do, and not to eat for other reasons. I remember 1 Corinthians 10:31 and how it says: Whether you eat, drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. That is what I want to do in my eating but cannot see clearly at this moment what that looks like. Lord give me clarity! Clear out the cobwebs and weeds in my heart and replace them all with You! In Jesus Name, Amen
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