I hear, "Kim obey and do what you already know, stop looking for something more. Rest and be still. Listen to my still small voice."
I have been reading a blog the past few days about freedom. That is what I want. I do not want a weight loss plan, I do not want to be skinny, I do not want to lose weight thinking it is what is going to cause my happiness, I want freedom, freedom to walk in Love the way I am made to walk because HE lives in me and HE is Love.
That is this journey...am I making any sense? I ask myself...I want to be free. I suppose as I continue walking this journey I will see more and more what freedom looks like. Just jabbering my heart now and talking to myself.
So my question to myself is............WHAT AM I WAITING FOR?
The freedom is already mine to walk in if I just take some steps!

Lord help me to step out and walk in the freedom that is mine...that you died for me to have. Help me to fall in love with you more every day. In Jesus Name, Amen
What have you done to start walking in freedom? Would you share with me if you read this? :)
So my question to myself is............WHAT AM I WAITING FOR?
The freedom is already mine to walk in if I just take some steps!
Lord help me to step out and walk in the freedom that is mine...that you died for me to have. Help me to fall in love with you more every day. In Jesus Name, Amen
What have you done to start walking in freedom? Would you share with me if you read this? :)
You are definitely making sense to me. Intermittent fasting with a conviction that overeating is a form of food greed and gluttony, has helped me walk in freedom. What I love about intermittent fasting is that it's easier for me not to eat for an extended period of time, then to worry about how much or what kind of foods to eat. (((hugs))) If you need me to send you a free copy of Dr. Herring's ebook, the Fast-5, email me or leave a comment on my blog and I'll be happy to.
ReplyDeleteHe must increase, I must decrease. More of Him, less of me. My wants, my 'agenda'...I remember when I was over 250 lbs..I used to say..'I'm a skinny person crying to be released from this body'. I remember also that I KNEW in my heart..KNEW so strongly that this was not God's intention for me, to live in this bondage and addiction to food. I knew that one day I would be set free..I could see it in my mind's eye...it's definitely been a journey, all in God's timing. I KNOW it was His perfect timing for me to be released from the 110 lbs, and still counting...I look back now and know without a doubt, His timing is perfect....God IS so good....all the time...I have realized this weight release is TOTALLY His doing, I can't take any credit for it. For I know my flesh, I'm far too weak, but in Him, I can do all things through Christ...