Saturday, May 21, 2011

Food for Thought

This video from Her Noble Character on todays Reshaping it All spoke to me.  It seems when I am hungry I am eating foods that are not beneficial.  Like she quotes, All foods are permissible for me, but not all foods are beneficial.  All foods are permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything. (my parahprasing here).  I find that the wholesome foods, not diet cardboard tasting foods, but the ones that are wholesome and that I love, I miss out in my daily intake because I am feeding myself solely with what Thin Within would call "teasers" and sometimes "pleasers" when "whole body pleasers" are the foods you want to eat because I love them and they are beneficial, and you eat just enough to be satisfied.  Ok that is the so called law I made up in my head that I have tried to keep the past year with major failure. Really it is feeding my flesh, that instant gratification.  So I say, live by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. (Gal. 5:16 NIV)

So its Jesus, alone, I need.  The Holy Spirit living in me to lead me, not my flesh which leads to misery and absolutely no true satisfaction.  After hearing this video, I don't feel I am "addicted" to sugar per se, but I do feel that foods that are not beneficial (although permissible I should not be mastered by them) are okay in moderation when hungry, but I do feel I have gone past moderate and eat outside of hunger and have to say I feel mastered to them in a way.  So I will prayerfully thing about this this weekend, should I eleminate them and have once a week allowance in order to feast more on the Word of God and also more on beneficial foods to strengthen my body for a season.  I already feel just typing that that it would be beneficial for me to do.  Back to the word reliance, I can do nothing apart from Him.  So Lord I ask you to help me in this decision, to do as your Word says in Psalm 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste, yes sweeter than honey to my mouth!  I feel that by watching me someone could also conclude about me that the mouth is more desireable to me sometimes than Your Word. I know this is like she said, not what a child of yours should be doing and not pleasing to You, so I ask you now to just guide me in what I should do.  Help me this weekend to lay out the smaller goals to lead to the bigger goals, all for Your Glory.  May all else fall away but You in me and my heart.  In Jesus Name, Amen

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