Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pressing on

I am pressing on today.  Realizing how TRUE it is that I do NOT have to live in the past anymore.  Each new day is a new day to create what my future will be.  I can rely on the Lord, live in His adventure led by the Holy Spirit in me and it will be creating my future, who I am becoming.  I am not stuck, I will not be stuck anymore.  I am moving on! 

Philippians 3:12 (NIV)
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Reshaping it ALL in my heart and life with the Lord now, thats my new journey.  It seems overwhelming to think about it.  So easy to try and look at the big picture, but I know that just alone focusing on the one step ahead of me, not getting ahead of myself, is the place to stay and keep my focus.  Be still, listen, be still, listen Kim.  Will be finishing up chapter 5 and starting chapter 6 this weekend. 

31 Days to clean I am a tad behind because some of the tasks I have already done recently, and the one with carpet cleaning in June we will be having someone come out and clean them so I will wait until then to do that.  My challenge is finding how much sleep I need.  I read last night 7.5 hours (I read this on my fellow sister in Christ's site Kat on Inspired to Action she wrote:

"When Should I Go to Bed?

You probably need around 7.5 hours of sleep. If you have children and you’re lucky, they sleep 10-11 hours a night. (That was the average of a recent Twitter poll.)
Try fitting your 7.5 hours within their 10-11, leaving enough time in the morning to accomplish what you want.
This is the most important part of making a morning routine work!
You may be able to keep late hours and still wake up early for a few weeks, maybe longer. But it will catch up to you, leaving you burnt out.
If you want to see long-term results, get enough sleep!"

So I am going to work on that this week, getting enough sleep.  And in last weeks reading 31 Days to Clean she talks about finding out how much sleep you need, to help increase your energy.  So that is my little expiriment this week to find out how much sleep I need to have energy throughout the day!

Be still and listen to HIM today.  This is a new day and I will rejoice and be glad in it!

More later...until then rest in Him!


  1. Fantastic. When my firstborn was about 2, I was working full time, going to uni part time and living with a friend (I was single) who ran a daycare, so life was crazy. I found out that 5 1/2 hours of sleep was perfect. Doesn't make sense, I know. But if I only got 5 hours, I was tired all day. If I slept in even 30 mintues, I was tired all day. With 5 1/2 hours of sleep I had energy enough to spare. Mind you, I was 24. Today, with three kids, staying at home (meaning I am no longer sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, I'm up running around cleaning, errands, endless amount of stuff) I must have 7 1/2 hours. It is so worth finding this out! I've told this to many friends who later thank me for the advice. Great post.

  2. Thank you!!! I am definitely exicted to figure it out, then there will be no more questioning! I have 3 children and stay at home too, so I know its different, but I also work at home a few hours a day sitting at a desk :) We will see!
