Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God is My Personal Trainer Tuesday

Through my personal journey and struggle to find the right way to treat my body and to have a body size that I felt was healthy and proper I have read and learned and studied so many things, probably way too many.  I always wanted to have the perfect program and do it the perfect way in order to achieve what....perfection.  Then not just achieve it, but maintain it forever.  Is that even possible, yeah right!!!

cartoons,competitions,judges,leisure,panels,people,ratings,recreation,scorecards,Screen BeansĀ®,sports

So after having my first little one and becoming a Christian a few years thereafter, I started praying about this.  Now there is too much to write in one post to describe all that I went through and learned trying to find that right answer for me, but in the end (or really the beginning of the journey I'm now on in my eating) it was a simple answer God gave to me and He made it very clear.  I still struggle and ask the question, are you sure this is the right thing?!  But I give Him my doubts and press on when there is no reply.  The clear answer that He gave me, and has confirmed it in many ways over the last several years, is to eat when I am truly hungry and stop as soon as I am satisfied (yeah that's right I did not say FULL, but satisfied-meaning I have had enough.)  

One clear scripture as I was reading my Bible asking the Lord to show me what is it that I need to hear and learn regarding my eating was this:

Proverbs 30:8
8 First, help me never to tell a lie. 
   Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! 
   Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.

Did you see that?!  Just enough to satisfy my needs.  So I had to start learning what that meant in eating.  Boy did I rebel in this and am still learning to not rebel daily with His help.  I actually agreed with Him around the time my youngest babe was born in 2008, and did what He asked with His help and released all extra weight on my body.  But it was not long before I started trying to take things into my own hands (and over about two years put on about 50 pounds) because I felt His way was too difficult for me.  I had never sat still long enough and enjoyed each moment each day without numbing any emotion or circumstance with food, even if it was non-fat, 0-calorie food.  It hurt to sit still in what I was not used to handling day to day in life.  

I believe it was about a year ago that I asked God, who really is the Lord of my life and I gave it all to Him when I was saved in 2003, to be my personal trainer.  So that is what He is and will always be, because He created me and knows exactly what my body individually needs.  

I will continue each Tuesday sharing more and more in this area, what I have learned and what God has taught me, and more and more as I grow as well.

Psalm 139:13-16:
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body 
      and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 
      Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 
 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, 
      as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 
 16 You saw me before I was born. 
      Every day of my life was recorded in your book. 
   Every moment was laid out 
      before a single day had passed.

body parts,eyes,persons,Photographs,women

Have you ever prayed and asked God what He intended for the way you should eat or drink or exercise?  Ever asked God to be your personal trainer?  I think that is the best choice I've ever made (albeit challenging) and I encourage you to go for it and see what He does in your heart and life.

More later...love to you!


  1. This is such an excellent post. I appreciate you writing it. Sharon

    1. Thank you Sharon! I'm so glad I saw this-I believe I didn't know how to see my comments or something!
