Sunday, January 22, 2012

Take Time~Mom Monday!

Take time to realize were the words that came to mind this evening when I sat down to share some thoughts.  There was a song that came along with it, although not all of the words really made sense, the first few really clicked.

In being a mom, I am seeing how I want to take much more time to enjoy this season of life!  I want to not miss little moments throughout the day that are memories in the making.  You know I've heard from the more seasoned women who are older than me that this time when children are young goes by so very fast and to enjoy it...THAT is what I want to do.

clocks,clouds,feathers,flying,metaphors,photographs,skies,time flies,timepieces,times,wings

I would rather start now trying to take time each day enjoying the smiles and laughs and little moments of each day than to have to look back wishing that I had done that.  There were laughs and jokes today, there were memories made, peace in the home, time spent together, growing relationships in our family, these things will not be taken away (I believe they are a treasure in heaven being stored up, that won't be destroyed by rust as Matt 6:20 says below).  They are forever memories.

Did you have a weekend full of any sweet memories that you won't regret?  Are there things that could happen this coming week intentionally to make more sweet memories.  That is what I want to do with God's help, not ignore the chance to make those memories, but to slow down and take time.

Matthew 6:20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. (NLT)

More to you!

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