Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What did God do in Your Life This Week-Testimony Tuesday

My Heart and Yours

Love, love, love sharing testimonies.  Hoping that more people will join in with me in sharing so that we can all be encouraged.  I know it isn't easy being vulnerable and I am learning in this area big time.  I tend to hide behind a mask sometimes, but God is so working on this and I have no idea how it will look when that mask is completely gone, but in the  meantime, I will continue to share what He is doing in my life even if I feel like He isn't even here.  I have to believe that He is because His Word says that He is here and never leaves me, period.

So thinking on what to share that God has done in my week this week, I have to really slow down and think on this because I see His interventions and little touches in every day.  This last week I don't know what has been going on in my mind, but lots of frustration and lots of grouchy moods.  I even had to put myself in time out one evening and told my kids mommy needed a time out.  If I had any word for this week and what God has done, it would be Grace.  New Beginnings.  His mercies are new each day.  There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning.

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