I tend to want to stray in my days in life. I will go through a season in life that is not troublesome at all, there is nothing out of the ordinary happening, nothing that needs my special attention, and in those times I really, really do think that I am strolling along just fine and don't need any help. I will start thinking thoughts like, "wow all those Bible studies paid off and I am getting life and have it figured out, I know how to live for God now!" I will think "I got this" and that is NOT the case at all. The more I think that the worse off I am. The more I walk close to God and cling to Him, the BETTER my life and my days are. Period.
Why do I want to be disconnected I wonder. I think it is because of pride and the human nature to be in control. Living surrendered is not natural I am learning. Today is a new day.
I am thinking, I really hope someone reads this as I feel like God told me to write it, but I feel like everyone is learning this as they walk with God and doesn't everyone already know this? In my mind I am thinking, like DUH!?
I sure wish I was perfect. I sure wish that I could just do this life on my own and know all the answers. I tend to get in that mentality very often. I wish I didn't have to try so hard to know what I am supposed to do, and I wish that I could just know it all and live it.
What would be the point of that, I wonder?
If I already knew everything. If I already had it all figured out. Where would passion be? Where would my heart be? What would I be filled with? Those are my thoughts for now.
God and His 'odd sense of humor'....I was busy looking at my 'followers' and saw you..and said..'oh Lord, what a cutie pootie (your little one)..and you too..LOL' So off I went to see who you were...and praising God I did..He KNOWS what He is doing in our lives..alleluia girl...Want to share something I have shared with a few others early this morning:Right now let go of the 'figuring out'....it's not being in denial, it is just handing it over to God right now and letting Him know you don't know what to do and you NEED His leading...God will not steer you wrong. As the decision is made, you will be able to walk in wisdom, discernment, knowledge and strength. Yes you will be afraid, but you will face down your fear and you will overcome it...((hugs))..I also loved your statement
ReplyDeleteThe more I walk close to God and cling to Him, the BETTER my life and my days are. Period.
We can NEVER get it right...EVAAAAAAAAAAAAA...but when we are walking so closely with Him..oh my goodness gracious, we are walking step by step in His leading. We are not perfect and never will be..not till we stand face to face with Him..sigh..oh what a day!~ Until than..we continue on...more good days than bad days, more praise days that murmur and complaining days....blessings to you and yours!~