Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Afraid to Step Out

Have you ever felt the nudge or the prompting to do something, but instead of stepping out and doing what it is you feel led to do, you stop and in fear you are paralyzed?  You can't move forward a step because all of the what if's?

What if I fail?
What if I don't do it right?
What if I don't know what to do and get confused?
What will it look like living each day if I do that and take that step?
What if I lose things I don't want to lose when taking that step?

The questions and what if's go on and on.  I find myself in that situation it seems lately.  The thing that I am wondering though is what am I missing out on while I am scared stiffless??????  How much am I going to regret the wasted time I spent sitting here paralyzed instead of just stepping out in obedience.

So I take the step.  I write the first blog post in months.  Where will this lead?  How will I know exactly what to do to do it all right?  I don't know.  But I know I don't want to stand still any longer.  Jesus take the wheel.

More later...

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