Sunday, September 4, 2011

God is My Personal Trainer

I had the reminder today that God still is my personal trainer.  I am so prone to just grab other ideas or programs or systems or guidelines to treat my body the way I want or think I should, but God reminds me again that He alone is all I need and He will show me what He wants for me.  For me it is eating when I am hungry, stopping when satisfied, eating foods that make my body strong and a new boundary that I feel He is bringing to my mind that I have heard before is when tempted to put anything to my mouth, wait 5 minutes.  Pray and ask Him why I want to eat and to for Him to fill me up, and if I still want that "thing" after 5 minutes then I can eat it.

I think as I do this more and more it will help me to realize that I really didn't want that "thing" to begin with.  

In "Eating with the King" Terri Rockewell says in regards to getting confused and wanting to turn to many different things:  (Page ix) 

"Oh, I lost 25 pounds in those four months.  But, don't seek Him for that reason!  He's worthy of so much better than that!  The pure JOY I experienced in the process of learning to be fed by my HEavenly Father far surpassed the thrill of tucking in my shirts and wearing belts for the first time since middle school. (But, that was part of the joy that Jesus and I celebrated together.

Our intimacy at that time was meal-by-meal, moment-by-moment.  We celebrated the Lord's Supper all day.  It was true communion as I waited upon Him for true bodily hunger and relied upon Him to show me fullness.  

It really was as simple as that.  Satan likes to confuse us with many options and complex costly weight loss plans and programs.  Jesus simply says, 'Here I am.  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and him with me. -Revelation 3:20'"

Stuck is how I've felt the past two years.  Stuck is not where I am staying.  Lord help me press on in blind faith.  Help me to journal all my thoughts and find the lies that I have been believing and give me truths from You to replace those lies, renew my mind Lord and renew anyones mind that is reading this that needs to hear Your truth and stop believing lies and the abundant life in Jesus that you want us to live.  Fill us up Lord, in Jesus Name, Amen

Love to you...more later!


  1. Really this is very nice collection.You doing great job..thanks for sharing here.Find a Personal Trainer

  2. You sound very much like me. I have just recently found my very own personal trainer when I wasn't even really looking to Him for that. Just an awesome life changing surprise. God is soo good that saying that is such an embarassing understatement!
    God bless!
    Diane Clay
