Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bible in 90 Days-Day 15

This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I will never give up reading through the Bible in 90 days, the Lord will guide me and help me do this.  Things seem to come up and circumstances are happening that are temptations to be discouraged, but the Lord will win, He gets the victory, thank you Lord!!  So thankful that You are all I need, my perfect provision.

I have a lot of notes to write down on here from the last few busy days that I have not gotten to post.  I think tonight or soon I am going to have a post of the scriptures that have just spoke to my heart so much while reading.  I am growing closer to the Lord through this and I have read a LOT of the Bible, but reading it through in 90 days is like combing through it and making everything fall into place, giving me clearer understanding as the Holy Spirit leads me and teaches me.  I also thought about the scripture this morning about I hide Your Word in my heart so I might not sin against you.  

Psalm 119: 11 I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

That is what I am doing.  I am hiding, as I read through this, His entire Word in my heart so I might not sin against Him.  I can't do it myself, He has to do it and I am resting in Him.

Praying everyone has a fabulous day in the Lord and just relying on Him all day long, allowing Him to fill them up and guide them.  He is amazing.  More later...Love to you!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Exodus into Numbers

Its been a busy past several days and I have not posted, BUT praise that I am still caught up with the reading and am SO enjoying it!  I am learning so much and feel like I am getting to know the Lord all over again.  It is really amazing.

(*picture taken from google images)

So I think what is really sticking out to me today is something causing me to be in AWE.  Really.  Reading and picturing how these people didn't even see the Lord, did not have Him in them, and how there was fear for Him.  Now, to see how easy it is for us to think we can just brush God off.  These people in Numbers, they disobeyed and told Moses what did he think he was doing trying to control them and God was so upset and He told everyone to get away from these people so He could strike them dead.  Numbers 16

Numbers 16:20-21
20 and the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 21 “Get away from all these people so that I may instantly destroy them!”

So I am just in a quiet mode, listening, trying to wait on the Lord.  I am in such a new area of growth in my walk with the Lord that I am not familiar with, which is a good thing, just unknown.  So now my relying on Him and wanting to know Him is even more.  Struggles come, circumstances are happening, things going on all around me.  So I wait...

More later...love to you :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bible in 90 Days-Day 7

Good evening!  Welcome to my journey of walking through God's Word, His love letter to His children, in 90 days.  


14 You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you. Exodus 34:14


I am, as I go through this journey in my journal, saving a page where I am going to attempt to list all of God's names, or character qualities.  Jealous was the name I saw today that spoke to me.  It makes me feel special that He is jealous for me.  


I can remember each day that God loves me.  It is so easy for me to not think that, and believe lies that I'm not good enough.  Remember to ask Him often if there are areas in my life that are gods above Him, because He alone is jealous for me and wants me to be committed to Him and nothing else above Him.


Lord help me to remember how much you love me each day, each moment.  Help me Lord to not have any gods other than You, Abba.  Reveal to me if there are any in my heart of life that are not from You and help me to remove what I need to with Your courage, guidance and strength.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Take a listen...let it speak to your heart...its on my heart now...

Bible in 90 days-Day 6 SOAP

Good evening! I am sharing what I learned today. It was different reading on the weekend but we had a rainy day so it made it easier to relax and read. Thanking God for filling me up with His Word and leading me to the Bible in 90 days!


 5 “If an animal is grazing in a field or vineyard and the owner lets it stray into someone else’s field to graze, then the animal’s owner must pay compensation from the best of his own grain or grapes.


This is just something that spoke to my heart when reading this and it doesn't seem to fit real well, but I will share it anyways.  When I read this I thought of my children.  I thought if my children are in another persons property and something happens to them, unless that person was responsible for watching my children, I am the one that is responsible for them.  This was a good reminder for me to continue asking the Lord for help in being a good steward of these three gifts of children He has given to my husband and I.

(*picture taken from google images search)


I need to be more attentive when my children are playing, especially in an area that is not my home, to keep watch on them, be involved with them and be responsible for them each moment, not thinking at any point it will be someone else's responsibility.  


Lord please help me to be responsible and a wonderful steward of the children you have blessed my husband and I with.  Be my strength when I feel my attention span is all over the place, to be focused on them when I need to be.  Guide my children in your path and keep your hand upon them, and help them to fall in love with you at an early age.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bible in 90 Days-Day 5 SOAP

Good day!  I am refreshed in my soul from reading God's Word today.  Starting through Exodus.  


10 Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.”
 11 But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”
 12 God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.”


 I was a bit shocked when I read this, just because I have heard the stories I have not read them like this before so reading I just expected Moses to say just like Joseph did, and obey and not question.  That didn't happen.  Moses did not want to talk to Pharoah.  He questioned and doubted.  This relieved me and made me realize that God still uses people (again who are not perfect) even when they question and He helps them.  He says I will be with you and He also told him He would give him the words to say.  


I do not have to beat myself up when the Lord tells me to do something and I question it or doubt the ability for "me" to do it.  I now can remember that when the Lord tells me to do something I can ask for His help and He will help me and I can give Him all of my cares or concerns so He can walk me through it step by step.


Lord thank you for the refreshing cleansing feeling I have being filled with Your Word this week.  Give me endurance and courage to continue reading all the way through and hear all You have for me to learn.  Help me to not beat myself up when You ask me to do something, and help me to rely on You, pour my heart out and give You all of my concerns so that I can let You be leading me step by step and help me trust that you will in each moment.  This story shows me how faithful and strong you are, and I am so encouraged by that.  Thank you I do not have to be perfect or have everything figured out.  I have you and You alone are all I need.  In Jesus Name, Amen

While reading this I was thinking of the movie Prince of Egypt, it was the closest to what I had learned about the story having not read it in the Bible all the way through.  This song always spoke to my heart, take a listen and I pray it speaks to Yours.  God is amazing and I just want to love Him more!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bible in 90 Days-Day 4 SOAP

Reading so much in a day I am finding it challenging to pick one scripture that sticks out to me.  I am capturing the one that I feel right now hit me most and then will sum up in my observation the overall picture I felt I learned from the Lord today. ;)


Genesis 41:34
"34 Then Pharaoh should appoint supervisors over the land and let them collect one-fifth of all the crops during the seven good years."  

Observation(What might He be telling me with this scripture?)

Reading this about how Joseph heard the dream, knew all of these things that were to come, and how he said we need 1/5 of the crops to store up so they would not run out of food for the 7 year famine.  I found that amazing.  I also found that it showed how God was truly leading him.  I tried to picture myself in a similar situation and having to organize all of this, how overwhelming.  But Joseph, he was (or at least seemed to me) to be very composed and just following the lead of whatever the Lord put in front of him or told him to do.  He gives me strength and more trust in the Lord just reading all about him.  

Application(How can I apply it to my life?)

Just trust in the Lord. The thought that comes to my mind right now is trust and obey.  Or as Charles Stanley says, "Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him."  Daily I can remember this.

Prayer:  (What is my prayer to ask God in helping me to make that application?)

Lord I ask for your strength and I ask for more faith and ability to trust you.  In each moment through the day, to rest in You, to just hear Your sweet gentle voice whispering to me and to follow you all day long.  To not question you or think I can do something on my own, but to trust you, Lord, and to trust and obey or to obey you Lord and leave all the consequences to You.  You alone are all I need and I pray as I read Your love letter to me and also as others read, that you would help us fall head over heels in love with you more every day and that you would shine through us and our love for you will just glow to all who are around us.  I Love you Lord, thank you for this day and for your protection and peace as it was a challenging day.  Praise the Lord, Abba! In Jesus Name, Amen

This song below is on my heart, amazing, and I can picture Joseph singing it and I want to sing it in my heart and live it.  

More later...Love to you!

Day 3

Yesterday I did not have a scripture that stuck out to me clearly.  I did take a lot of notes.  Really what I was getting yesterday was seeing how "imperfect" people were back then and how much God used them.  I am a perfectionist and with God's help I am learning NOT to be.  So seeing how the people made mistakes and had things wrong in their life helped me to really trust God to help me.  I was thankful for that.

(*picture from google images)

This song comes to mind when I think of perfection and not having to be perfect.  Have a great day!  More later..Love to you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bible in 90 days-Day 2 SOAP

Hello!  I am thankful for day 2, thankful for God's grace and help in this and His refreshing my heart and soul while I read His Word.  Soaking in it

While reading today several things were sticking out to me.  The first being how Abraham and Lot heard the Lord's voice or angels voice, they immediately bowed to the ground.  That to me really showed reverential fear of the Lord and humble spirits.  Sensitive to Him.  I also noticed several times Abraham had people over and he mentioned washing their feet or getting them water to wash their feet.  Humble, gentle, kind.  Servants heart.  These things spoke to my heart.


Genesis 17:3
"At this, Abram fell face down on the ground. Then God said to him,"


When the Lord spoke to Abraham he fell face down on the ground. This helps me to see the reverential fear he had for the Lord and his humble heart.


When I hear the Lord and His still small voice speaking to me I far too often walk past it. I don't listen. That has stolen my joy and kept me guessing what the Lord told me. I wander.


Lord I am thirsty for your Word and for you alone. I ask forgiveness for not listening so often and running past you. Give me courage to be still, listen and bow at your feet daily so that I don't miss anything you want me to hear or see and that I walk closer to you. Help me be strong and desire to be vulnerable each day learning to be authentic. Guide each person reading this and help them to hear what you have for their hearts. In Jesus Name, amen

More later...Love to you...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bible in 90 Days-Day 1 SOAP

Learning a great way to study the Bible on my own in SOAP format.  I learned about it more reading this.

So my SOAP for todays reading was this:

Genesis 3:16 16 Then he said to the woman,
   “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy,
      and in pain you will give birth.
   And you will desire to control your husband,
      but he will rule over you.[c]

Observation: (What might He be telling me with this scripture?)
I will desire to control my husband, but I really should let Him lead and should be quiet and submit to Him more lovingly.  When I try to take control it does nothing and really it makes it even worse because I am forcing something that isn't natural, but when I let Him lead and I let go of control more, wow the peace I feel.  

Application-(How can I apply it to my life?)
I can start my day giving up control to the Lord.  I can ask Him to help me be more observant in moments when He wants me to listen, and not control.  He has plans and ideas for me and if I listen, I will reap a lot of benefits and peace from it.

Prayer-(What is my prayer to ask God in helping me to make that application?)
Lord, I need you.  I have seen lately how often I try and try to control and when I stop, sit back and observe the big picture, the one YOU are in control of, I would be silly to think I am controlling something or making something happen or causing peace or order.  You are the God of order and I ask for help in this area.  I ask for help in listening to my husband and let Him lead our family in ways that I can't.  Please give me a meek spirit, an ability to be quiet, and lovingly listen and serve and speak up when you say and not try and take over.  Help me rest in You, Lord.  Help me fall in love with you more every day during this journey of 90 Days in and through Your Word.  I am nothing without You and I can do nothing without You.  Use my words to encourage others and let them be Your Words :).  I need You.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Bible in 90 Days...refresh me!

I had a weekend away with my kids and family to visit my sister and went to the mountains for the first time in my adult life (I'm from the beach).  It was a neat experience.  I am back now and refreshed ready to enjoy the rest of the summer.  While I was gone I signed up for reading the Bible in 90 Days here.  I am very excited and nervous.  My "one word" for 2011 was REFRESH.  I did not want to be joining all kinds of Bible studies and activities but wanted to refresh my relationship with the Lord.  I feel I was led to start it, and hope I heard right and will be blessed and taught by this journey.  What better way to be refreshed in Him than to read His Word daily, and really soak it in.

He is teaching me something and I am looking forward to what all He wants me to learn.  Today was day 1.  It will go through, I believe, October 8th.  I will, and am writing it here for a reminder, not going to join into any Bible studies (although I know I will be very tempted to because I am a social girl and love joining them and fellowshipping and all that great stuff that goes along with Bible studies).  I will only be spending time in God's Word with my journal and a pen and also joining for the first time, MOPS.  Much looking forward to that, and it is nothing in depth but time for moms and I am excited for that.

So thats what is going on with me right now.  God is doing a new thing.  I will write more later...

Love to you!

Monday, July 4, 2011


I kind of feel the past few days I let myself go.  Because the end of my mini-goal had come, I thought ok now what?  The results of my mini-goal...I lost 4 pounds and got into a size 14.  I will continue pressing on.  In the meantime as I ponder and pray what my next mini goal will be, I continue with 52 pounds in a year, which means I continue one pound a week goal.  I have established an exercise habit for the most part, walking 1-1.5 miles most evenings usually with my kids, and if not then it is a walk with the Lord just talking and praying and enjoying that quiet time.  I also do T-Tapp DVD exercises 3 days a week and sometimes get to the gym for a class or two.  The point was to just make it balanced, something I enjoyed and not a major focus that would overwhelm me.

My scripture for the week is Romans 8:1-2 "1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you[a] free from the law of sin and death."