Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Goals for the Week

I am encouraged to make goals.  I am encouraged that even if I don't finish but one of them, I am making progress.  I am pressing on.  I am going to work on making goals as I have never liked to do this because I did not want to feel like a failure not completing them.  I would always give up right short of a goal.  I am seeing though how growth comes when just one goal is set out for and accomplished. 

I am encouraged by Money Saving Mom who makes goals regularly and presses on.  I am going to join in with her. I am going to try and make weekly goals.  I look back at my simplify goals post and see what I had written as some goals back then and what I have not done or what I may want to focus on.

Personal goals:

  1. Hello Mornings-continue waking early, 5:30am goal.  Quiet time.  Exercise.  Plan.  Get ready for the day.
  2. Complete a T-Tapp workout this week.
  3. Write down each morning in my journal 3 things positive about myself.
  4. Write down my priorities in life, very focused, not broad.
  5. Continue reading Truly Fed as God teaches me to be free from any bondage to food or my body.
Financial goals:
  1. Consistently stay in budget this week.
  2. Continue using YNAB and adjusting categories to fit our needs.
Home Goals:
  1. Do some sort of cleaning routine this week.  At least mop, dust, bathrooms and sheets.
  2. Clear counter clutter-that seems to be the challenge that continues.
  3. Don't beat myself up if I don't do it perfectly.
That is it for now.

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