Sunday, November 7, 2010

If it comes to mind...pray for me

Day 5.  Today was rough.  In the sense that I ate all day.  I need prayer to overcome this eating "idol" or "addiction" that I have going on.  So please pray for me if it comes to your heart or mind.

I feel the Lord telling me what I need to do but I have dragged my feet for a year or so.  I will share the scriptures that He made so clear to me over this journey (in my eating) and what He has shown my heart to do in order to create a healthy balanced body and health.  In summary, what He laid on my heart is to eat for physical hunger and to eat foods that will make my body strong and that are beneficial to me.  Is that really too hard to do?

Another scripture that always is in my mind is 1 Corinthians 10:31 that says:
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

So I took from that...that what He is telling me to do in regards to eating will bring Him glory...and that is my desire.

Today in church, one thing that the sermon really spoke to me about was this...when God speaks to You either through His Word or some other means...we have 2 choices.  One is to respond and do what He has asked...or taught us.  Two is to harden our hearts.  (The sermon was from Hebrews 3)  He said there is no limbo...there is no in between.  Its one or the other.  So for the past year of knowing these things the Lord asked me to do, and knowing I have not really responded wholeheartedly, means that each time I chose to not do what He asked I was hardening my heart.  So that is why now it seems so much harder, because my heart was hardened so many times.  At least this is what I am feeling, I am no theological expert but just what my heart is telling me through what I am learning.

So now I will share the scriptures and call it a night.

Proverbs 30:8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. (NIV)

This I felt was something that extended from my learning when I was studying through Thin Within.  The words give me my daily bread, another translation reads, "give me just enough to be satisfied."  I was learning how to eat when I was truly hungry and stopping when I am satisfied.  I would run to God when I had other pains or hurts or hungers and He always filled me up.  

The other scripture was:
Isaiah 55:2 Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food. (NLT)

This was quite a while after the first one was revealed to me, months and months...and so I felt this was when He really spoke to me that I needed to start trying to eat beneficial foods.  Instead of yielding to His directions, I dragged my feet and got "diet" mentality and just started slowly straying and hardening my heart to all of it.  I tried to stay with the things I had been taught but just was not able to do it anymore as hard as I tried.  (get hard as "I" tried?!)

So here I am saying I am ready.  I am ready to yield to His direction, with His help because I absolutely cannot do it myself, I will get legalistic and try to do everything perfect and it will be a BIG, HUGE, MESS! (as I have already seen happening)  I am ready to take the steps of faith in this direction.  Pray for me. 

**I just want to note also that I believe the Lord has a personal plan for each individual and if we seek Him diligently in it and cry out to Him He will reveal it to us and help us through it.  He is awesome and amazing and all knowing and is just waiting for us to ask Him for help.  


  1. Dear Lord,

    Please be with sunshinemama and direct her steps when it comes to eating. May we all eat and live to glorify You. We can't do this on our own Father, we need you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    I can relate sweet one. I'm here to support whichever path you choose. (((hugs))

  2. Well Hi there, Sunshine mama!! Just had to come over and say Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my place and leaving some loves on a post... so appreciate meeting other people that are on the same journey to health and freedom. :)

    Just want to encourage you in this time... C.S. Lewis has a simple little quote that I come back to alot... " What saves a man is to take a step, and then another step...." Just take a step today... God does NOT expect perfection from you, He loves you, and wants freedom for you. A picture that I have ALOT in this journey when I trip or I just completely fall flat on my face, is of His kind and beautiful face, and His hand out and arm extended to me... and He says, " Come on, love, let's keep going."

    Day 5 was one of those days for you.. My hope and my prayer for you is that you see His hand today, outstretched to you, and He says, " Come on, don't stay down there, let me help you up, and let's keep walking." ;)

    Remember it's a's not perfection. It's taking a step, and then another... and when you trip and fall, you just take hold of Abba's hand and keep walking forward. Don't be hard on yourself, that doesn't work AT all... be kind to yourself, speak words of how God sees you to yourself...ask Him to show you how He sees you, He will if you ask ;) I wrote a post on Grace, that I hope you will read.... Praying for you today... for strength, for gusto, for the ability to not go down the road of sabotage, but to press onward and forward into freedom... you can do it! You are not alone!

    I am so so grateful to meet you.. hope this note encourages you! Gonna bookmark your site, so I can be one of your biggest cheerleaders!

    Hugs and freedom to you today! Amy

  3. Just wanted to let you know you came to my mind this morning when I was teaching preschool. I prayed for you right then and there. (((hugs)))

  4. amen amen amen...Way back when...I found a scripture in My Upmost for His Highest devotional. mark 9:29..right beside it I wrote..'the only way to be set free from the spirit of gluttony once and for all'..I dated it 1999....eight years later the Lord lead me to fast two meals a day for forty days during Lent...and that began my journey of intermittent fasting (which I didn't even KNOW existed until Paula found it a few years later while googling fasting,,lol. God DID though).

  5. I am SO thankful for you ladies. I did not even know you were praying for me until tonight, and wow what an awesome thing to know that these prayers have lifted me up since then...amazing!
