Monday, June 4, 2012

Where is my focus?

I am a perfectionist, no doubt.  I am a girl who wants it figured out, all of it.  My mind spins around daily trying to figure just about anything out, but I would have to say the thing I try and figure out the most is WHY AM I NOT SETTLED, WHAT IS IT THAT IS MISSING?

I feel a unsettling feeling in my heart usually.  I go round and round in my brain thinking, what is it?  What do I need to figure out to make this feeling go away??

Well, ya know what, I think I am realizing that there is nothing for me to figure out.  For heavens sake I need to let go of control and seek God.  I need to change my focus.  This is a huge refreshing revelation for me today.  It's not like I do not know that.  Walking with Jesus since 2003, almost 10 years, I do know that my focus is not to be on myself but on Him...on things of heaven.

Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

So really as I go through the day, and I really need to work on this daily, starting now, I need to constantly refocus on Jesus.

Heidi Bylsma has said a good tool in helping with this and she sets her timer to go off every hour and checks in with Jesus and asks Him if He is the focus and just refreshes her focus.  

None but Jesus.  He must be all in all and my total focus...when I do this and when anyone who has asked Him into their hearts does this, we will be renewed and that uneasy feeling that something is wrong will be soothed by Him, the ultimate comforter.

More later...Love to you!
Kim :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a perfectionist too in some areas, Kim - it's funny because I've never associated it with control but I think you're right. Willing to let things be imperfect is a way of letting go of control, right? That's what I need to do with writing since that's my main area of perfectionism!
