Thursday, January 26, 2012

Home Lover Thursday

Okay disclaimer here to begin with, this is a huge area for me to deal with...because I am SO not a natural cleaner, at all!  Okay now that is out of the way.  The reason I call it, "Home Lover" Thursday is because it is a term I learned while reading through the book, "A Woman After God's Own Heart" a few years ago.  Since I wanted to do what God gave me with a cheerful attitude, what better than to do the thing that we mostly think of as misery, cheerfully.  So instead of begrudgingly doing housework, I started trying and doing it all for the Lord, happily.  One tip that has helped me as I am learning along slowly is to find 3 things to do every day that would keep things more smoothly running.  I read it as a tip on from a reader.  She called it doing her "1, 2, 3's" for the day.  So I did some thinking and tried to find three things that I would help me feel better about the unorganized cleaning in my home.  So here are the three things I chose for me:

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  1. Empty the dishwasher in the morning and by end of day empty sink and load dishwasher.
  2. Do one load of laundry, wash dry and put away.
  3. 10 minute declutter-of the counters and spaces I tend to let clutter gather.

I also thought about whole house tidy up, setting a timer for 10 minutes and just picking up the clutter all over that was not in the right place.  I thought of cleaning bathroom counters and swishing the toilet with some soap and toilet brush daily.  But the above three are now my goal.  If these three things get done each day, I feel a bit better about my home and things are not completely falling apart.

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I then read this ebook, which was so good, (only 2.99!), and I created a bit more of an organized schedule for my day.  I chose to do about a 10-20 minute cleaning task each day of the week, Monday through Friday.   So I chose a different room for each day...Monday is the kitchen, Tuesday is the bedrooms, Wednesday is the bathrooms, Thursday is the living room and front door/porch area, and Friday is the day I clean van, make meal plan and grocery shop (sometimes) and balance money and organize finances.  Doing these things seems to keep things in order...that is, when I do them.  This is my goal to move more towards in the coming weeks.

Now this is a start, kids chores and chipping in is all being added slowly as well.  I will share more of that later.

That is all I have to share about being a home-lover, loving to take care of the home that God has blessed me with.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether you eat, drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.

Take a listen...

More later, love to you!

Visit this wonderful inspiring woman of God to learn more about being a home lover, I have learned many good things from her, she is a great mentor for us ladies.

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