Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bible in 90 days-Day 2 SOAP

Hello!  I am thankful for day 2, thankful for God's grace and help in this and His refreshing my heart and soul while I read His Word.  Soaking in it

While reading today several things were sticking out to me.  The first being how Abraham and Lot heard the Lord's voice or angels voice, they immediately bowed to the ground.  That to me really showed reverential fear of the Lord and humble spirits.  Sensitive to Him.  I also noticed several times Abraham had people over and he mentioned washing their feet or getting them water to wash their feet.  Humble, gentle, kind.  Servants heart.  These things spoke to my heart.


Genesis 17:3
"At this, Abram fell face down on the ground. Then God said to him,"


When the Lord spoke to Abraham he fell face down on the ground. This helps me to see the reverential fear he had for the Lord and his humble heart.


When I hear the Lord and His still small voice speaking to me I far too often walk past it. I don't listen. That has stolen my joy and kept me guessing what the Lord told me. I wander.


Lord I am thirsty for your Word and for you alone. I ask forgiveness for not listening so often and running past you. Give me courage to be still, listen and bow at your feet daily so that I don't miss anything you want me to hear or see and that I walk closer to you. Help me be strong and desire to be vulnerable each day learning to be authentic. Guide each person reading this and help them to hear what you have for their hearts. In Jesus Name, amen

More later...Love to you...

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